The best solution for potty training!

Potty training for parents, nurseries & municipalities
Parents & caretakers
The Go Potty® app coaches parents through potty training in 3 simple steps. Test whether your child is ready and whether you are ready yourself. Log successes and accidents, share experiences with other parents and ask questions to our renowned potty training consultants.
Why potty train early?

Build the child’s confidence
Getting potty trained is a big step towards independence. A child is no longer dependent on someone else to change them and wipe their bum. They can do it themselves! It’s a big boost to their self confidence and self esteem. And once a child is potty trained, he or she has more room to develop other cognitive and motor skills.

Nappies cost a lot of money. For households, disposable nappies cost an average of €50 a month. That’s about €600 a year! That would be nice to save, right? And nurseries can even save up to 50% on their nappy costs!

Happy and healthy planet
Disposable nappies are hardly recyclable and create 300 kg of waste per child per year. This amounts to about 7% all of household waste. That’s a whole lot of shitty waste!

Together, we make a difference – for children, parents and the world of tomorrow.
Happy parents with potty trained kids
How does the Go Potty® app work

Take two simple tests to check if your child (and you!) are ready for potty training and what potty training approach fits your family best.

Read your personal easy-to-follow potty training e-guide and all our FAQs. Your guide is based on your child’s age, your child’s personality and your preferences as a parent.

Do it together
We help you prepare, plan you start date and then to go for it! You are not alone on this journey. Join our community of parents and get support from our renowned potty training consultants.
Take two simple tests to check if your child (and you!) are ready for potty training and what potty training approach fits your family best.
Read your personal easy-to-follow potty training e-guide and all our FAQs. Your guide is based on your child’s age, your child’s personality and your preferences as a parent.
Do it together
We help you prepare, plan you start date and then to go for it! You are not alone on this journey. Join our community of parents and get support from our renowned potty training experts.
All-in-one support for nurseries and municipalities
Parents potty train their child (around 18 months) at home with support from the Go Potty® app. Nursery staff and other healthcare staff get the right skills and knowedledge to support children with potty training via a succinct Go Potty® e-learning.
Besides that, we offer a uniquely designed portal where managers from nurseries and municipalities can monitor 24/7 the progress of the Go Potty® program (including potty training success, nappy and CO2 savings).

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Download the app for free and check if your child is ready for potty training.