go potty®

go potty
The municipality of Alkmaar helps parents to get children out of nappies on time. 150 parents will receive FREE access to the Go Potty® Premium (t.w.v. €44,99) potty training app through the municipality.
Getting Started With Potty Training?

When to start potty training?
You wonder how you know when your child is ready for potty training. Should you wait until your child starts showing interest in the potty or toilet by themselves? And what is the best age to start potty training?

Potty training advice overload
Google, social media and advice from friends and your mother-in-law about potty training. What is true now? You can’t see the forest for the trees. You just want to know what works for YOUR child.

What potty training approach will work best?
Should you go for potty training in three days? Or will a more gradual potty training approach work better for your child? You want to make sure you’re not pushing your child and not forcing anything.

You have a very busy life
You have a busy life. Work, family, sports and socialising. You have no time to do research about potty training. In fact, you have very little time and energy to work on potty training at all.
Recognise this? The Go Potty® app gives you the right tools and support to get it right the first time. Your child will be potty trained in no time!
What Parents Say
How does Go Potty® work

Take two simple tests to check if your child (and you!) are ready for potty training and what potty training approach fits your family best.

Read your personal easy-to-follow potty training e-guide and all our FAQs. Your guide is based on your child’s age, your child’s personality and your preferences as a parent.

Do it together
We help you prepare, plan you start date and then to go for it! You are not alone on this journey. Join our community of parents and get support from our renowned potty training consultants.
Take two simple tests to check if your child (and you!) are ready for potty training and what potty training approach fits your family best.
Read your personal easy-to-follow potty training e-guide and all our FAQs. Your guide is based on your child’s age, your child’s personality and your preferences as a parent.
Do it together
We help you prepare, plan you start date and then to go for it! You are not alone on this journey. Join our community of parents and get support from our renowned potty training experts.
Why Potty Train?