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How To Potty Train My Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Potty training can be a challenging milestone for any parent, but when you add autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it can introduce a whole new set of complexities.  However, with patience, understanding, and tailored strategies, successful potty training is achievable. In this blog, we’ll explore some tips and techniques to help parents navigate potty training their children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

The Challenges of Potty Training a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Understanding the unique challenges faced by children with ASD during the potty training process is crucial for parents and caregivers. Each child with ASD is different, and so are the challenges that come with potty training them. First of all, children with ASD may find it difficult to adapt to changes. Potty training is a big change in your child’s routine. For example, wearing underwear instead of a nappy, sitting on the potty, and washing hands after that. Teaching your child new things might trigger escaping, avoidance or aggression. Furthermore, some children with ASD have a hard time recognizing bodily cues and what to do with them. Consequently, they wee or poo in their pants or anywhere but the potty. Potty training a child with ASD can also take a toll on caregivers, both emotionally and physically. The process often requires patience, consistency, and flexibility, which can be draining, especially when faced with setbacks or resistance. Nonetheless we know you can do it!

What Strategies are Useful for Potty Training a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Research of Saral and Ulke-Kurkcuoglu (2020) has shown that children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder can be potty trained at the same age as their normal developing peers. It is best to start potty training from around 18 months, the same age we advise for normal developing children. Mind that your child has to be able to walk and sit down independently. You can check if you and your child are ready in the Go Potty® app. This way they get used to the routine of using the potty. Older children may find it more difficult to adapt to changes in their daily routine.

The Intensive Method

The Go Potty® app offers two different methods: the intensive and the gradual method. A study of Dabney et al. (2023) shows that the intensive method is succesful for most children with ASD.  With this method you replace your child’s nappy with underwear in one go. Feeling the wetness can motivate the child to become potty trained. Implement a dense sit schedule, for example sitting on the potty for 3 minutes every 30 minutes. You can increase the periods when your child mostly has successes or when they don’t have to go every 30 minutes. Increase the periods with 15 minutes at a time so the difference is not too big. Praise your child after every success or attempt to use the potty. Just a “good job” or thumbs up from the parents is enough. Don’t give much attention to accidents, they are part of the process.

Visual Schedule

Learning this new skill might be overwhelming for your child. You can help your child with making a visual schedule. Make some cards with pictures and place them in the right order.  An example: (1) pull down pants and underwear, (2) sit on potty, (3) wee or poo in potty, (4) wipe, (5) pull up underwear and pants and (6) wash hands. Talk your child through every step. A card with a picture of a potty on it could be useful for children with communication difficulties. They can show this card when they have to go potty.Visual cards to help a child with autism spectrum disorder with potty training. Pull down pants, sit on potty, wee or pee in potty, toilet paper, pull pants up, wash hands. Drawings.

Wait-Ask-Say-Show-Do Prompt

For a child to be fully potty trained they have to start saying that they have to go. You have to help your child in the beginning. When all goes well, you gradually give the responsibility to your child. McGee et al. (1999) have found that the wait-ask-say-show-do prompts method might be helpful. With this method you give your child a prompt and move on to the next one if they don’t respond to it in 5 seconds. First is the wait prompt: give environmental cues. Put the potty in the room and place the activity basket next to it. Second is the ask prompt: “What do you need to do?”. Third is the say prompt: “Let’s sit on the potty”. Fourth is the show prompt: gesture to the potty. The last one is the do prompt: gently put your child on the potty. After a while your child will start recognizing that they have to wee and poo on the potty.

Five Tips for Potty Training a Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Tip 1: Introduce the Concept Gradually

Before starting formal potty training, gradually introduce your child to the concept of using the potty or toilet. Familiarize them with the bathroom environment, potty, and basic toileting routines. Read books or listen to songs about potty training. Let your child watch you or other children go to the potty. That way they can see that others use the potty as well.

Tip 2: Establish a Routine

Children with ASD often thrive on routine and predictability. Establish a consistent routine by scheduling regular potty breaks throughout the day.  Use timers or visual cues to signal when it’s time to use the potty. Follow the same steps in the same order every time your child goes potty. Try to keep the routine the same every place your child goes.

Tip 3: Make it Fun

You want your child to sit on the potty, so make it fun for them! Read a book, play a game or blow bubbles. Don’t focus on them having to wee or poo on the potty. When your child feels relaxed, successes will come naturally.

Tip 4: Seek Professional Support if Needed

If you’re struggling with potty training or if your child is experiencing significant difficulties, don’t hesitate to seek support from a qualified expert. You can find our experts in the Go Potty® app.  Premium members can contact the experts without extra costs.

Tip 5: Be Patient and Flexible

Potty training may take longer for children with ASD, and progress may not always be linear. Be patient with your child and praise even small victories along the way. Offer praise for any attempt of using the toilet, even if they are not yet successful. Stay flexible and be willing to adapt your approach based on your child’s individual needs and progress.

Patience, Trust And The Right Strategies

In conclusion, potty training children with ASD requires patience, understanding, and tailored strategies. Research provides valuable insights into effective approaches and helpful aids. By applying these strategies and adapting them to meet each child’s unique needs, parents can support their child’s successful transition to independent toileting. Remember, progress may be gradual, but with consistency and support, children with ASD can achieve this important developmental milestone.

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